HAWAII (breaking) ——> RIMPAC 2014 \ SURPRISE ATTACK: [WW3] NOSTRADAMUS "King Of Mongols"
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Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty
2014-06-22 15:05:53 UTC


The next set of RIMPAC war games, the largest war games in the in the world,
are set to commence this year. One of the features of the RIMPAC war games
is to conduct a joint military exercise in preparation to fight the Chinese
and Russians in the Pacific. Therefore, one has to seriously question why
the RIMPAC games have invited the Chinese and the Russians to participate.

Are we to naively believe that the Russians and the Chinese are training to
fight the Russians and the Chinese in the Pacific?

Why would we be showing the Chinese and the Russians our secretly held plans
to specifically fight them in the Pacific? This is absolute treason! It is
treason unless there is now another overriding objective behind the RIMPAC

The Chinese are on American soil for one reason, they are being integrated
into an international “peacekeeping force”, formerly known as the RIMPAC war
games, which will eventually be controlled by the United Nations. This is
where the formal integration of American-based Chinese military forces into
an international “peace keeping force” will become official this year. This
will mark the first time that the communist regime, that is responsible for
murdering more innocent people than any other country in human history, will
have its military and war ships participating in the “RIMPAC war games” off
the US coast. Russian troops are also participating in this multinational
force. RIMPAC occurs after we allowed the Chinese and the Russians observe
the vulnerabilities of the power grid during the Grid EX II drill. The
RIMPAC war games are the largest war games in the world. It is not
far-fetched at all to believe that RIMPAC is morphing into an international
“peacekeeping force” under the control of the United Nations since the
original purpose, training to fight Russians and Chinese, is obviously no
longer the purpose.

Now it makes sense why Obama is facing wholesale mutiny from the military
and why he has found it necessary to replace as many senior level commanders
as possible.

Doesn’t this explain why the Chinese are being given Solar Energy Zones in
locations which are adjacent to a major US military base?

When one considers the implications of the Chinese participation in Grid EX
II, the RIMPAC war games along with Chinese government’s comments regarding
the need for gun control in the US, speaks to the Chinese as being the
enforcers of the UN Small Arms Treaty Ban. Secretary of State John Kerry
illegally signed this UN treaty without the required Senate ratification.


The Bundy Affair has exposed a much deeper agenda involving the Chinese.
They have a military presence on our soil at the inland ports. Their troops
train in Mexico and Canada, and soon we will see Chinese troops in these
newly designated Solar Energy Zones. Is the presence of the Solar Energy
Zones next to a major American military base, referenced in the two previous
articles, a case of blending the Chinese military with the American
military? Or, is it a precursor to invasion? Flip a coin. Either way, the
Chinese call for tighter gun control in America and their presence on
American soil, is a major cause for concern that these two events are not
merely a coincidence and the Chinese will spearhead a gun confiscation
effort inside of the US.

Do I need to remind the readers that there were 17 genocides in the world in
the 20th century and that every one of these genocides followed a gun
confiscation effort on the part of the offending country? When we begin to
connect the numerous dots, it is difficult to not believe the Chinese are
here to disarm the American people.

Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty
Maangai Kaawanatanga - Tainui Kiingitanga - Te Aotearoa
http://www.exorcist.org.nz Ko te Mana Motuhake

" But Marshall, charged with the safety of those
who died at Pearl Harbor, first said he was riding
horseback, then changed that story to say he was
with his wife. However Arthur Upham Pope, in his
book containing a diary of Litvinoff (who in 1941
was Russian Ambassador) states that Marshall,
on the morning of December 7, 1941,
was at the airport meeting Litvinoff. "

-- U.S. Senator Joseph Mc Carthy
Melanesian Campaign (W.W. 2)
Puffin Killer
2014-06-22 15:53:09 UTC
"Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty" wrote in message news:53a6f0d1$0$18162$c3e8da3$***@news.astraweb.com...

What happened?

The unemployed Loser, Dorkie Fritzinger, went postal?
