Does anybody make a 5Tb external drive that is powered off USB?
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Robert Peirce
2016-11-04 23:10:47 UTC
I have my iTunes database as identical instances in PA and VA. A friend
suggested it might be easier to put it on a large, portable external
drive and cart it back and forth, using the PA and VA dbs for occasional
backup instead of trying to keep them both synced.

The more I thought about it the more sense it made. However, every
drive I looked at has an extra power supply I would also have to take
with me, either that or have multiple supplies. I know some smaller
drives are powered off the USB bus but I don't know of any this large.
Are there any?
Your Name
2016-11-05 06:19:22 UTC
Post by Robert Peirce
I have my iTunes database as identical instances in PA and VA. A friend
suggested it might be easier to put it on a large, portable external
drive and cart it back and forth, using the PA and VA dbs for occasional
backup instead of trying to keep them both synced.
The more I thought about it the more sense it made. However, every
drive I looked at has an extra power supply I would also have to take
with me, either that or have multiple supplies. I know some smaller
drives are powered off the USB bus but I don't know of any this large.
Are there any?
Sizes are increasing all the time (and decreasing in price or the same
price for bigger capacity). Such a drive will be expensive.

The latest issue of the UK magazine MacFormat August 2016 I've just got
has a review of these two USB-powered (although both USB-C, so you may
need an adaptor back to USB):

- LaCie Porsche Design Mobile Drive 4TB
Not quite the right capacity, but there may be bigger
capacity versions already / soon. Comes with USB-A adaptor.

- Seagate Innov8 8TB

You could probably build one yourself using a bare drive and an
external USB enclosure. You may also need a "Y-cable" to use two USB
ports to get enough power.
2016-11-05 14:22:42 UTC
Post by Your Name
You could probably build one yourself using a bare drive and an
external USB enclosure. You may also need a "Y-cable" to use two USB
ports to get enough power.
there is no need for a usb y cable.
Robert Peirce
2016-11-05 14:50:21 UTC
Post by Your Name
Sizes are increasing all the time (and decreasing in price or the same
price for bigger capacity). Such a drive will be expensive.
As you say. I found a 4Tb USB powered portable drive for $120 which
will be more than enough for some time. By the time I really need 5-6Tb
one should probably be available at around the same price or less.