I kept accidently rebooting 15" MBP Retina due to its power button on the keyboard.
(too old to reply)
2015-08-22 04:12:45 UTC

I have been using a Lenovo Thinkpad for a couple months and having to
press ctrl+alt+del keys to login into its Windows 7 so many times as a
habit. Ever since I got a 15" MacBook Pro (Retina; early 2013), I
accidently rebooted it with its control+command+power keys on the
keyboard. Apple used to have its power button away from the keyboard. I
had to tape over this power key to remind myself not do the magic
three/3 keys on a Mac to login. Argh. Has anyone had that problem or
just me? Also, I didn't know you could do a force reboot like that on a
Mac too.

Thank you in advance. :)
Quote of the Week: -- "May 10,000 ants never invade your underwear drawer." --unknown
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/\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ http://antfarm.home.dhs.org (Personal Web Site)
/ /\ /\ \ Ant's Quality Foraged Links: http://aqfl.net
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\ _ / Please nuke ANT if replying by e-mail privately. If credit-
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2015-08-22 04:23:14 UTC
Post by Ant
I have been using a Lenovo Thinkpad for a couple months and having to
press ctrl+alt+del keys to login into its Windows 7 so many times as a
habit. Ever since I got a 15" MacBook Pro (Retina; early 2013), I
accidently rebooted it with its control+command+power keys on the
keyboard. Apple used to have its power button away from the keyboard. I
had to tape over this power key to remind myself not do the magic
three/3 keys on a Mac to login. Argh. Has anyone had that problem or
just me? Also, I didn't know you could do a force reboot like that on a
Mac too.
There are several comand key combos to do various things (turn off the
screen, lock the screen, etc).

You might try this:

Open terminal
past in the following

defaults write com.apple.loginwindow PowerButtonSleepsSystem -bool no

Might help
'I think, if you want thousands, you've got to fight for one.'
2015-08-22 13:20:55 UTC
Post by Lewis
Post by Ant
I have been using a Lenovo Thinkpad for a couple months and having to
press ctrl+alt+del keys to login into its Windows 7 so many times as a
habit. Ever since I got a 15" MacBook Pro (Retina; early 2013), I
accidently rebooted it with its control+command+power keys on the
keyboard. Apple used to have its power button away from the keyboard. I
had to tape over this power key to remind myself not do the magic
three/3 keys on a Mac to login. Argh. Has anyone had that problem or
just me? Also, I didn't know you could do a force reboot like that on a
Mac too.
There are several comand key combos to do various things (turn off the
screen, lock the screen, etc).
Open terminal
past in the following
defaults write com.apple.loginwindow PowerButtonSleepsSystem -bool no
Sleep? Isn't it a reboot? Mine reboots.
"Did the ant fall off the toilet seat because she was pissed off?" --unknown
Note: A fixed width font (Courier, Monospace, etc.) is required to see
this signature correctly.
/\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site)
/ /\ /\ \ Ant's Quality Foraged Links: http://aqfl.net
| |o o| |
\ _ / If crediting, then use Ant nickname and AQFL URL/link.
( ) Chop ANT from its address if e-mailing privately.
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on this computer.
Alan Baker
2015-08-22 15:00:50 UTC
Post by Ant
Post by Lewis
Post by Ant
I have been using a Lenovo Thinkpad for a couple months and having to
press ctrl+alt+del keys to login into its Windows 7 so many times as a
habit. Ever since I got a 15" MacBook Pro (Retina; early 2013), I
accidently rebooted it with its control+command+power keys on the
keyboard. Apple used to have its power button away from the keyboard. I
had to tape over this power key to remind myself not do the magic
three/3 keys on a Mac to login. Argh. Has anyone had that problem or
just me? Also, I didn't know you could do a force reboot like that on a
Mac too.
There are several comand key combos to do various things (turn off the
screen, lock the screen, etc).
Open terminal
past in the following
defaults write com.apple.loginwindow PowerButtonSleepsSystem -bool no
Sleep? Isn't it a reboot? Mine reboots.
It's because of the modifier keys you're holding down at the time you
hit the power button.

2015-08-22 22:01:05 UTC
Post by Ant
Post by Lewis
Post by Ant
I have been using a Lenovo Thinkpad for a couple months and having to
press ctrl+alt+del keys to login into its Windows 7 so many times as a
habit. Ever since I got a 15" MacBook Pro (Retina; early 2013), I
accidently rebooted it with its control+command+power keys on the
keyboard. Apple used to have its power button away from the keyboard. I
had to tape over this power key to remind myself not do the magic
three/3 keys on a Mac to login. Argh. Has anyone had that problem or
just me? Also, I didn't know you could do a force reboot like that on a
Mac too.
There are several comand key combos to do various things (turn off the
screen, lock the screen, etc).
Open terminal
past in the following
defaults write com.apple.loginwindow PowerButtonSleepsSystem -bool no
Sleep? Isn't it a reboot? Mine reboots.
Like I said, it might help since it changes the timing on the power
button. It might not.
What was it they said about gods? They wouldn't exist if there weren't
people to believe in them? And that applied to everything. Reality was
what went on inside people's heads. --Moving Pictures
David Empson
2015-08-23 00:10:29 UTC
Post by Ant
I have been using a Lenovo Thinkpad for a couple months and having to
press ctrl+alt+del keys to login into its Windows 7 so many times as a
habit. Ever since I got a 15" MacBook Pro (Retina; early 2013), I
accidently rebooted it with its control+command+power keys on the
keyboard. Apple used to have its power button away from the keyboard. I
had to tape over this power key to remind myself not do the magic
three/3 keys on a Mac to login. Argh. Has anyone had that problem or
just me? Also, I didn't know you could do a force reboot like that on a
Mac too.
Does the Lenovo have its Delete key in the top right corner of its
keyboard? If so, I can understand muscle memory leading you into this

On a desktop PC, the Delete key involved with Control-Alt-Delete is in a
different position, so it would be quite a different gesture.

The "delete" key on the Mac's main keyboard is not the same as the PC's
"Delete" key. They delete in opposite directions: Mac is backward
delete, PC is forward delete. I've never mixed the two up despite using
both platforms regularly. I'm also used to Control-Command-Power (or
equivalent) restarting a Mac (or the equivalent Control-Apple-Reset on
the Apple II before it), so I don't expect that combination to have
anything to do with logging in.

It seems an utterly stupid design decision for Microsoft to reuse what
was originally a "reboot the computer" keyboard combination (on MS-DOS)
as "login". (I understand the technical reason - that combination causes
the BIOS to generate a special interrupt, so there is less scope for
malicious software to intercept it.)
David Empson
2015-08-23 23:04:49 UTC
Post by David Empson
Post by Ant
I have been using a Lenovo Thinkpad for a couple months and having to
press ctrl+alt+del keys to login into its Windows 7 so many times as a
habit. Ever since I got a 15" MacBook Pro (Retina; early 2013), I
accidently rebooted it with its control+command+power keys on the
keyboard. Apple used to have its power button away from the keyboard. I
had to tape over this power key to remind myself not do the magic
three/3 keys on a Mac to login. Argh. Has anyone had that problem or
just me? Also, I didn't know you could do a force reboot like that on a
Mac too.
Does the Lenovo have its Delete key in the top right corner of its
keyboard? If so, I can understand muscle memory leading you into this
Yep! Hence why I kept doing it on my new work's MBP! I currently have a
masking tape over MBP's power button with a big warning text. Ha. I
almost repeated them three keys at Mac OS X's login screen. :O
"What reason, like the careful ant, draws laboriously together, the wind
of accident sometimes collects in a moment." --Friedrich von Schiller
Note: A fixed width font (Courier, Monospace, etc.) is required to see
this signature correctly.
/\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site)
/ /\ /\ \ Ant's Quality Foraged Links: http://aqfl.net
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\ _ / If crediting, then use Ant nickname and AQFL URL/link.
( ) Axe ANT from its address if e-mailing privately.
A song (i/wa)s playing on this computer: MrSolidSnake745's Floppy Drive
Orchestra - Pachelbel's Canon in D