Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §ñühwö£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£fReally Apple? You couldn't be bothered to make it possible to print
DIRECTLY from the iPad to a USB port on a printer? Good thing I didn't
buy this thing. Its my moms and I hate it.
ipads and iphones are mobile devices. wireless is the way to go.
Might want to inform buyers up front on its limitations then.
the limitation is with the existing stuff that requires wires and an
assortment of printer drivers for each printer.
wireless *removes* that limitation.
again, it's a mobile device. people don't want wires.
Heh..."cult of mac" rears its ugly head yet again :/
it's not the cult of mac.
Fanbois then :)
it's not that either, but once you bring up fanboi, you show your
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamandroid is doing exactly the same thing.
Yeesh. My nephew has on of those phones. Known Issue: can't connect to
any non-broadcasting AP's. (iow; hidden SSID)
Been that way since 2006!
no, he doesn't have 'one of those phones'.
the iphone came out in mid-2007.
the first android phone (which was not all that good) came out in late
whatever you had in 2006 was *not* an iphone or an android phone.
anyway, both android and ios easily connect to hidden ssids without
issue and will auto-reconnect when back in range.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospammobile devices are the future. the ways things used to be done are
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£fBtw, its quite odd that a linux live cd can contain all these various
printer drivers. Even the "small footprint" versions like Damn Small
Linux :)
Apt-get, much?
it doesn't contain all of them and it's a hassle to download what it
doesn't and keep everything updated all the time and then go through
that again each time you need to print to a new printer, which could be
outside your home since these are mobile devices. plus you still have
Wow. I guess I just prefer to be in complete control of my devices.
Linux allows me to do this :)
you're always in control.
linux just makes it much harder to do even the simplest things.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §ñühwö£fPost by nospamnobody wants to deal with cables or with installing printer drivers for
every printer and deal with updates and security issues.
You mean the technically challenged who don't know what CUPS is for :)
i mean the normal users who aren't interested in dealing with printer
drivers, keeping them updated, having to carry a cable all the time,
what a crazy pain in the ass all of that is.
Uh no. Spending the better part of 20 minutes with the iPad connected to
an Acer netbook running w XP SP-3 and NOT being able to get any pictures
from iPad to netbook is a "crazy PITA", fyi :)
i don't know what you're doing but if you connect the ipad via usb, it
shows up as a standard digital camera. any software you normally use
with other cameras will work. this is by design.
Woopsie doopsie :)
Known Issue:
The "trust loop" is what I'm getting. This article is spot on.
actually it isn't since that's about one user who is running windows xp
and that's a supported system.
on the other hand, beos and linux are unsupported systems.
as a linux user, you should be used to unsupported peripherals since a
lot of companies don't bother supporting linux.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamthere are also ways to automatically sync photos to your desktop
computer which is even easier than dealing with cables. shoot photos on
the ipad and then they magically appear on the computer.
I dont believe in magic :)
Bluetooth maybe...
it's not truly magic. it just looks that way.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamor, you can wirelessly copy them yourself if you don't want them
automatically synced.
many options.
All requireing me to hump google for hours to get this sussed out.
Happy happy. Joy joy :)
it takes maybe a minute or two to search, an that's assuming you don't
just ask a sincere question, without the fanboi/cult nonsense.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamairprint, and google's equivalent cloudprint, are a step forward where
all of that nonsense is eliminated. now there's *one* driver, which
makes life easier for not just users, but developers and even the
printer manufacturers (although they do still have to write legacy
And what you're really saying is: you need to buy new printers, etc on.
Sure :)
nope. there is a solution that does not require buying anything.
Which you will not disclose atm since I'm being testy.
it was disclosed long ago. it's called an airprint server.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §ñühwö£fPost by nospamprinting from an ipad works seamlessly to any airprint printer, which
is most printers sold today and from multiple manufacturers.
Sounds like the buisness model is to *force* upgrades on users.
nobody is forcing anything.
The alternative is: do without, poors.
So far its looking that way :)
Post by nospamPost by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamif you want a new printer, it will come with airprint.
I dont want a new printer. Hmmmmmmmmm...I guess I must have missed
mentioning that :)
that's why i suggested both options
I'm not sold on the utility of this iPad yet.
that's fine.
sell it to someone else who does and buy something that fits your needs.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamif you want to keep using your existing printer, install an airprint
Translation: buy new specialized equipment.
Again; no :)
airprint server is an app written by third parties. it's free and there
might even be an open source version. there are more than one variants
Well now we're perhaps getting somewhere. I'll grep the info on that and
see if it solves the issue.
it might.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamkeep in mind that a new printer won't *just* get you airprint, but also
bring a slew of new features, faster printing, higher quality, etc.
Ooooooooooh! Teh shiny!
This is why theres a huge floating island of plastic in the pacific: the
throw-away society thats killing the earth. Sorry, but I'm not shallow
mindless consumer/sheepie.
Its a tough future we face pal.
Jus sayin :)
actually it's a very good future. technology is great.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §ñühwö£fPost by nospamolder printers work with airprint software running on a computer, mac
or windows.
and android tablets do the same thing and it's called cloudprint.
I read about the software needed to do it wirelessly. But I wanted to do
it with a cable :)
why do it the hard way?
Its only *hard* because Apple (in its omniscient godlike brilliance) saw
fit to make it difficult. Look, I *know* the business model is to
*monetize* everything and always force users to upgrade products that
are perfectly useful now. The problem is: I'm not going to play that game.
they did the *opposite*, and there is no game.
apple made it easy, by eliminating printer drivers and cables.
google did the same thing with android.
this is the way of the future.
as typical, people bash apple when everyone else does it.
Um. No. I expect certain functionality and standards from computing
devices. This lacks in several key areas for me. YMMV.
you're bashing apple even though android is doing the same thing.
where is the google bashing?
anyway, if it doesn't fit your needs, sell it and get something else.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£fAlso, why does the iPad *constantly* pop up an annoying
"trust this computer" repeatedly. Seriously.
because otherwise it can be juice-jacked (and this affects android too).
usb charging ports are appearing everywhere, in hotels, coffeeshops and
even planes. nearly always it's fine, but it's possible that there's
really a computer hiding behind the wall which can potentially access
what's on the device just by plugging into the usb port.
Read up on the security holes built into the iPhone & iPad that report
back yet?
i'm well aware of that and how they work.
a lot of what you read, particularly from jon zdziarski's presentation,
were taken out of context and he was even annoyed.
what he said was that a computer which is *already* trusted can access
some things on the phone. well duh, it's a trusted computer. that's the
point of trusting it. plus, apple has changed some of what he brought
anyway, the fact is that is that there is no malware on ios unless it's
jailbroken, which removes all security from the device and opens it up
to the bad guys.
a stock ios device is *extremely* hard to hack. 97% of mobile malware
is on android.
The first, from McAfee now an Intel INTC company shows an pretty
astonishing rise in malware designed to attack mobile devices, from
792 samples in 2011 to 36,699 in 2012.
Perhaps not surprisingly, given its growing popularity and vaunted
openness, 97% of those samples were designed to attack Google GOOG
Android. See Mobile Malware Growth Continuing in 2013.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamthus, by asking the user to confirm that they trust the computer, they
can't accidentally be juice-jacked.
plus, people should also become *very* suspicious if they plug into
what appears to be a power port and it asks to be trusted.
and if you're curious what actually happens when trusting, the computer
is paired with the device with an encryption key. otherwise, there's no
access. this is a *very* good thing.
Its b0rk3n Jim. It shouldn't poll the device constantly. "Trust Loop"...
beos and linux are not supported platforms and there may be a trust
loop (and there are ways to fix that).
window xp sp3 and later are supported and will work properly.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamipads show up as a standard digital camera and no special software is
required to copy the photos or videos, although an asset manager is
certainly a very good idea.
Must be a special iPad that hides its saved piccys then :)
Btw, read my headers: I'm using BeOS.
seriously? wow. what are you running it on??
AMD 1200mhz Duron with the memory patch. Runs so cool I don't even need
a case fan for it :) Hey these floppy disks are too good to throw away!
I can watch youtube vids with VLC on it & everything!
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamfirst of all, beos is not a supported platform for ipad or anything
else really.
Yeah, I don't expect nor have tried to use BeOS for the iPad. But c'mon!
Xp won't work? All we have is a Vista laptop to try next.
win xp sp 3 and later are supported.
PC: Windows 8; Windows 7; Windows Vista; or Windows XP Home or
Professional with Service Pack 3 or later
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamsecond, unless an airprint server is open source, you're probably
Nobodys writing apps for BeOS now. They all migrated to Haiku. Which I
also use.
i was wondering if you were using haiku.
somewhere around here i have a bunch of beos keychains and beos books.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£fI'm used to hacking things
ROFL you are!
Post by nospamthe idea of modern products (not just apple) is *not* to need to hack
they 'just work', which is why airprint and cloudprint are designed the
way they are.
one person has a problem does not mean everyone has a problem.
again, win xp is supported by apple, despite microsoft no longer
supporting it.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£ftogether that were never ment to work. But I didn't expect this from
it's not just apple.
again, android does it too.
Sure, admittedly.
Post by nospamPost by §nühw¤£fAnd Another Thing...why is there no browse-able file system in
what for? what exactly are you looking for? what do you want to do that
you think you need to go poking around?
Wow. You don't dig down into your macs and tweak & break stuff?
not really. i like to get stuff done, not break things.
there's nothing in the system files that lets me do something that
can't be done in a *far* easier way.
and i still end up breaking things.
Post by §nühw¤£fHow can you learn anything?
one need not have full access to every file to learn.
Post by §nühw¤£fI want to know what its doing and why and
how. But thats just a me thing :)
there is plenty of information available on how ipads work, without the
need to break things or accessing files that won't really tell you much
of anything.
you say you want to learn new things. now is an opportunity.
you just need an open mind.
by the way, you can dowload the os x kernel, as it's open source, and
you can study it all you want. there's also an *extremely* good book on
os x internals, so good that apple uses it as a reference.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamthat's also a huge, huge security hole because if you can do it, so can
the bad guys.
Ah, no. You have an *admin* account and permissions etc to restrict
users from breaking things. You can open a terminal in OS X and do
command line fun in the admin account. And *thats* the way any *nix
device should be. Have a "developers key" or whatnot to get into the
juicy stuff :)
none of that is needed and an ipad is not a '*nix device'. it's a
tablet designed to do things.
don't think of it as a laptop w/o a keyboard.
also, if you want to 'get into the juicy stuff', then sign up for a
developer account (free level will suffice) and start learning and
writing apps.
another option is jailbreak it and then you get full access to
everything, but with the risk that everyone else does too, since
there's no security anymore. you can even install gcc, apache and other
unixy stuff on the device.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£f1) Networking (wired or wireless)
it has networking.
I want an eth0 port! Or at least a slot where I can shove an ethernet
adapter :)
ethernet? seriously? on a mobile device?
do you have a giant spool on the back of your car?
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamipads have 802.11b/g/n.
the next model may have 802.11ac. tune in next month for the next clue.
This one is cellular as well. Ooopsie...theres goes our celly bill!
cellular is an optional feature (wifi-only ipads don't have it), and
there is no requirement to activate it if you do get cellular.
it's pay as you go and you can activate and deactivate at any time for
any reason. there is no contract.
t-mobile even offers a free plan (really) for 200 meg/month, which is
plenty if you're near wifi all the time. for more data, or from other
carriers, there are plans from $10.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamthey also have bluetooth 4 le and optional cellular and gps.
Okey dokey, gimme bluetooth keyboard & mouse and we'll see if the UI is
better with that, eh?
bluetooth keyboards work.
a mouse does not work since it's designed for touch, not a mouse.
don't think of an ipad as a laptop without a keyboard. it's not.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£f2) File System and Browser
what for? what do you expect to find there?
Everything I want :)
I'm insufferably curious and take stuff apart just for fun.
no need to when you can find out how it works in other ways, such as
writing apps.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamaccess to system files is not needed. there are ways to change settings
through the user interface.
Swipe up from the bottom of the dock, sure.
the control center is just one way.
Post by §nühw¤£fAnd hey! Why dosnt Safari
or the screen itself have the NEEDED & USEFUL toolbar that OS X does?
Bring that to iOS and I'll be happy.
what toolbar is that?
don't forget that there are other browsers. hundreds of them, with a
wide range of features
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamuser files are managed by the relevant apps.
Give those apps real OSX style toolbars at the top.
pick an app that offers the features you want.
it's less limited.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamPost by §nühw¤£f4) Shared or "public" folder
it has that for photos, music and video.
Navigation of which is quite teh sucky. WANT TOOLBARS!
then find an app that offers what you want. there's only 1.3 million of
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamotherwise, apps are sandboxed for security purposes.
Just sandbox the User account like any *nix distro via PAM or other
permission limitations.
it already is, but each app has its own sandbox so that one app can't
screw up other apps or the system.
Post by §nühw¤£fPost by nospamit's not possible (outside of root exploits and even then, insanely
difficult) for one app to access another app or its data, which means
malware is not an issue. that's a *very* good thing.
I read the security assessment of its known backdoors. Its not all that
for Apple or NSA to get the camera feed from your device. Easy peasy
lemon squeezy.
it's actually quite difficult if it's not jailbroken, and physical
access is required anyway.
jon zdziarski is now telling cops to seize not just the suspect's
phone, but their computer too, because the computer is likely trusted
and that's the way 'in' to get data off the phone.
otherwise, they're going to have a really, really tough time,
especially if the passcode is more than 4 digits. use something longer
and complex (it's a toggle in settings) and it's going to be a really,
really long time until it's cracked.
Post by §nühw¤£fReally I promise to look for that Airprint thingy and tell ya how it went :)
sounds good, especially if you can get it working on beos :)